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Lost Puppy Traditional

This cute puppy is lost and he's looking for his mother. Help him face all the challenges given to him by other animals and finally find his mother. Help this puppy and have fun playing this game!

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Lost Puppy Traditional

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Lost Puppy Traditional

This cute puppy is lost and he's looking for his mother. Help him face all the challenges given to him by other animals and finally find his mother. Help this puppy and have fun playing this game!
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Etapa 1
Etapa 2
Por favor, habilite o Adobe Flash Player para jogar "Lost Puppy Traditional"

Ative o Flash nas configurações do Chrome. clique em " Bloquear sites executando o Flash " alternar para " Pergunte primeiro "opção. Mostrado como o seguinte:

Agora clique em e clique no botão " Permitir " no canto superior esquerdo do Chrome para jogar o jogo Mostrado como o seguinte: