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Mario‘s Adventure 2

Mario's Adventure 2 is a simple mario game where you must clear each stage by jumping into a coin floating in a blue sphere. The stages are short and fast but they also get quite difficult. In Mario's Adventure 2, if you die by falling in a pit, it's not game over but instead you start the level over as long as you have some life power left (see the bottom right of the screen). When you get hit by a Goomba, Koopa Troopa, or Plant you don't die but instead lose life power. If your life power reaches zero, then it's game over.

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Mario‘s Adventure 2

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Mario‘s Adventure 2

Mario's Adventure 2 is a simple mario game where you must clear each stage by jumping into a coin floating in a blue sphere. The stages are short and fast but they also get quite difficult. In Mario's Adventure 2, if you die by falling in a pit, it's not game over but instead you start the level over as long as you have some life power left (see the bottom right of the screen). When you get hit by a Goomba, Koopa Troopa, or Plant you don't die but instead lose life power. If your life power reaches zero, then it's game over.
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Por favor, habilite o Adobe Flash Player para jogar "Mario‘s Adventure 2"

Ative o Flash nas configurações do Chrome. clique em " Bloquear sites executando o Flash " alternar para " Pergunte primeiro "opção. Mostrado como o seguinte:

Agora clique em e clique no botão " Permitir " no canto superior esquerdo do Chrome para jogar o jogo Mostrado como o seguinte: