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Jewel Quest

Jewel Quest is one of the jewel games that you can play on UGameZone.com for free. Explore mysterious jungle ruins full of ancient artifacts and buried relics. But prepare to think fast and act carefully, because it takes more than luck to claim the Mayan gold! Your goal is to create a line of three or more identical relics. A successful line will be removed from the board, and the sandy tiles underneath will turn to gold.

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Jewel Quest

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Jewel Quest

Jewel Quest is one of the jewel games that you can play on UGameZone.com for free. Explore mysterious jungle ruins full of ancient artifacts and buried relics. But prepare to think fast and act carefully, because it takes more than luck to claim the Mayan gold! Your goal is to create a line of three or more identical relics. A successful line will be removed from the board, and the sandy tiles underneath will turn to gold.
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Por favor, habilite o Adobe Flash Player para jogar "Jewel Quest"

Ative o Flash nas configurações do Chrome. clique em " Bloquear sites executando o Flash " alternar para " Pergunte primeiro "opção. Mostrado como o seguinte:

Agora clique em e clique no botão " Permitir " no canto superior esquerdo do Chrome para jogar o jogo Mostrado como o seguinte: